

Introducing Amib 2000: The Ultimate Text Editing Solution!

Unlock your productivity with Amib 2000, the text editor designed for enthusiasts and professionals alike! Whether you're coding, crafting reports, or jotting down your next big idea, Amib 2000 offers unparalleled features at an unbeatable price.

Special Offer: Only $50 per User per Machine - Offer Ends 5/6!

Key Features:

Don't miss out on the efficiency and simplicity of Amib 2000. Elevate your text editing experience now for just $1,337 — this special pricing is only available until May 6th!

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Solution Statistics

bcrypted answer $2a$12$MDHeLs.C0sYNE9MFQdHHmu7Rr9kjWyMxEqY.wqJqR5GFE6QIp.gHa
observations 135
solves 3
points 346
average solve seconds 20303 seconds, or about 6 hours
stddev solve time 4480 seconds, or about 1 hour

Solutions Over Time

solving teams:

solved by 3 teams

team solved at it took
Maple Mallard Magistrates 2024-05-05 19:48:24 UTC 16978 seconds, or 4.72 hours
SPr3lcd 2024-05-05 20:49:08 UTC 18533 seconds, or 5.15 hours
Cold Fusion 2024-05-05 22:06:13 UTC 25397 seconds, or 7.05 hours